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Customer Support

Frequently Asked Questions

All sales are final. No refunds. No exchanges.
Did you check your spam folder? Sometimes emails get filtered.
My Fair Tickets is the sole authorized source for purchasing tickets to specific events listed. If you obtain your ticket(s) from any other unauthorized source, you take on the risks of those tickets turning out to be counterfeit or reported to be stolen. The issuer has the right to dishonor such stolen/counterfeit tickets and declare them as void.
My Fair Tickets uses Stripe as the transaction processor for charges and accepts several methods of payment for transactions. billing information verification is required for transactions to process.
Event organizers reserve the right to refuse entry to events or remove any person whose conduct does not comply with event conduct rules and venue regulations.
Events are ‘rain or shine’ events.

Didn’t get the answer to your question and need to contact a customer support representative? Click the link below.

Customer Support Hours
Monday – Friday
8:30am – 5:00pm
(Eastern Standard Time)

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